Adamari López and Karina Banda say they have been victims of the misuse of artificial intelligence – El Diario NY

Adamari López and Karina Banda say they have been victims of the misuse of artificial intelligence – El Diario NY

Karina Banda 3

Artificial intelligence is one of the topics of the moment, but not everything is beneficial with this technology, since some artists, such as Adamari López and Karina Banda have been victims of its misuse.

In the program ‘Desiguales’, broadcast by Univision, the hosts talked about the issue and sent a message of prevention against this tool that has caused much debate.

The first to talk about what happened was Karina Banda, who commented in the entertainment show: “It does scare me a lot, especially because I have been a victim of being used my image, for example for campaigns or to sell products.” and it’s impressive, they caught a video, right here me on the set of ‘Desiguales’ and it’s impressive to see how my mouth moves promoting a product that I have nothing to do with.”

Karina Banda and Adamari López talk about artificial intelligence

In this sense, he indicated: “And I say, what can be done to stop this?”

Ismael Cala participated in the forum and said that artificial intelligence is quite a topic, especially for the topic of control. “It is a problem, here we go to the ethics of the human being, integrity, because I love artificial intelligence, it seems like an incredible and wonderful thing to me, but if you use it for this type of scam, identity theft, it is not easy”.

Adamari López, for his part, commented: “The same thing happened to me as it did to you (Karina Banda), the most we can let people know is that if you don’t go to Karina’s page, the official page of each of the artists that you are seeing promoting something in another medium, do not believe it until you go and see it on the official page of the person you follow.”

Amara La Negra indicated that although it has many benefits, there are also some dangers, as in the world of entertainment.

To do this, he gave as an example when they created songs with Bad Bunny’s voice.

Migbelis Castellanos, for his part, considered it a priority to create laws to control this situation. “That’s what’s happening, it’s getting out of control,” he claimed.

Participants in this debate agreed that artificial intelligence needs to be used consciously to avoid harming anyone.

Keep reading:
· Karina Banda reveals how hard it was to pack her bags to leave her native country
· Karina Banda publicly admitted a “fear” she has about intimacy
· Karina Banda had to go to therapy to improve her relationship with Carlos Ponce’s children

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