Christian Nodal finally details the damage caused by his courtship with Belinda

Christian Nodal finally details the damage caused by his courtship with Belinda


In 2022, the entertainment world was intrigued by the breakup between Christian Nodal and Belinda. For many years, the couple had boasted a engagement solid, and in fact, all his followers were already waiting for the long-awaited wedding. But of course, as is already known, these plans fell apart; and although Nodal now has a family with the Argentine singer Cazzu, there are those who still ask the reason why the love for ‘Beli’ ended.

Photo: Instagram via @belindapop

Christian Nodal finally spoke about his reasons for breaking up with Belinda

Through an exclusive interview for ‘Here and now,’ Christian Nodal revealed that his engagement with Belinda It deteriorated due to the ‘toxicity’ and apparent immaturity of both. This even caused the ‘Botella after bottle’ singer strong emotional damage. And although he is currently feeling better, in his statements he assures that he will no longer allow interactions loaded with negativity with his current partner:

“(He engagement) transcended things that hurt me a lot, but everything happens in life (…) I understood many things that I want to never be repeated, I understood that they will never happen again. It’s like they say: ‘It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what you want, as long as you know what you don’t want (…) For my part, I reiterate: I want things, issues, mistakes, whatever, not to be repeated. My wish is to never repeat them in my life.”

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Yes ok Christian Nodal did not delve into the signs of ‘toxicity’ that caused the end of his engagement with Belinda; Two years ago a rumor emerged that he was very jealous of her and she was a big spender. That is to say, the singer, according to some sayings, showed a certain insecurity when the actress went overboard with her luxury purchases, which were frequent and of very high amounts. However, these rumors were never clarified by either of them.

At the moment, Christian Nodal has left behind all traces of Belinda to focus on his new life in Argentina, where he lives with Cazzu and their daughter: Inti. It has also emerged that in his new life as a dad, the singer has removed some tattoos that he, presumably, dedicated to Belinda. In any case, today both focus on their personal projects; leaving one more sign that it is possible to forgive and forget.

Photo: Instagram via @
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