‘Do you dance?’: Niurka Marcos criticizes Irina Baeva after the premiere of ‘Aventurera’ – El Diario NY

‘Do you dance?’: Niurka Marcos criticizes Irina Baeva after the premiere of ‘Aventurera’ – El Diario NY

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Irina Baeva It premiered this week in the emblematic play ‘Aventurera’, but the results have not met the expectations of the public, who consider this work to be one of the benchmarks of Mexican theater.

One of the harshest criticisms was made by Niurka Marcos, who played this role and that is why many have been interested in knowing her opinion on the matter.

“And well, to conclude, finally, the diagnosis expected by all my baby Nius, I say, sorry, I can’t give it in Russian because I don’t know how to say it, but Irina is not a star. So, I am forced to say in Spanish: do you dance? ”She said in a broadcast she made on her Instagram account.

The Cuban artist’s statements have generated many opinions. Some of those that have been read are: “In terms of a vedette, Irina is not a vedette”, “You are bad, bad”, “I love Niurka”, “Edith (González) was not a vedette either and she did a thousand times better than Niurka, that doesn’t mean that Irina does it terribly, but not because she’s not a star, but because she’s a terrible actress, a terrible dancer and doesn’t have the slightest grace.”

In this staging, in addition to the Russian and Niurka Marcos, Edith González and Itatí Cantoral have also participated.

What has Irina Baeva said about her premiere in ‘Aventurera’?

After she made her debut in this story, the actress spoke about this project, which she says she is very excited about.

“I don’t have enough words to describe it,” she told the press while shedding a few tears.

The artist commented that the most difficult thing is putting together the entire show, from singing, dancing and acting.

He also talked about the importance of being quick, due to the changes of clothes and the different movements on stage.

Irina Baeva also commented: “What better way to return to the theater than with this great character that is Elena Tejero, who is an icon in Mexican culture, with this first-class cast.”

He added that the energy and spirit of his colleagues makes the play vibrant for the audience.

Keep reading:
· Geraldine Bazán gave her opinion on Gabriel Soto wanting to have children with Irina Baeva
· Irina Baeva expressed her excitement about wanting to get pregnant with Gabriel Soto and pause her career
· The tender family photo in which Gabriel Soto takes Geraldine Bazán by the waist

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