Endangered?  They claim that Kate Middleton’s health declined after appearing in Trooping the Color

Endangered? They claim that Kate Middleton’s health declined after appearing in Trooping the Color


After his high-profile public reappearance at the Trooping The Color Festival, Kate Middleton managed to excite the followers of the royalty Worldwide. After many months of absence and a difficult cancer diagnosis, on June 15 the Princess of Wales finally felt recovered enough to celebrate the ‘birthday’ of King Charles III. However, although the future queen assured that she was eager to attend more events this summer, some experts assure that the aforementioned military parade has already ‘taken’ its toll on her. health.

Did Kate Middleton suffer a setback in her health after Trooping The Color?

As expressed by the expert author in royaltyKatie Nicholls, it is very likely that Kate Middleton have faced a slight relapse in your health after his ‘sacrifice’ for attending Trooping The Colour. And in general, Nicholls recalled through a conversation with ‘Entertainment Tonight,’ that the Princess of Wales is still undergoing preventive chemotherapy treatment; which, evidently, is enough to leave her exhausted and depressed for hours:

I think we can imagine that after (the Trooping The Color Festival) she had a long and well-deserved rest (…) I don’t think we will be able to see her in public for a long time. Last weekend’s parade will require some recovery on her part (…) Kate probably invested all her energy out of gratitude to King Charles III, I can only imagine her psyching herself up for this occasion with a huge amount of time and effort.

It should be remembered that in recent days, horse racing took place at the Royal Ascot Racecourse, another traditional event of the royalty to which Kate Middleton He used to come without fail. However, on this occasion, the future queen was conspicuous by her absence. And although it cannot be said that it is serious or that Trooping The Color was a bad idea in itself; It is a fact that, by prioritizing your healthyour agenda cannot be the same as before.

For now, Kate Middleton He continues what he said regarding his progress against cancer: there are good days and bad days. As already mentioned, Prince William’s wife expressed her desire to join more public events this summer, but this will likely be postponed to the fall. The good news is that Kate continues to be very eager to recover, and at the same time, her followers feel calmer after seeing her good appearance in Trooping The Color.

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