Mau and Ricky promote “Hotel Caracas”, a musical work that led them to connect with Venezuela – El Diario NY

Mau and Ricky promote “Hotel Caracas”, a musical work that led them to connect with Venezuela – El Diario NY


Mau and Ricky share their new album “Hotel Caracas”a musical work made of real feelings and experiences of the Montaner brothers and even a song dedicated to Mau’s son, Apolo.

“This album led us to reconnect with Venezuela, so this album represents us from the roots. The whole album is true, there is no, there is no lie in this one. For example, song is something very Ricky, that song is literally the story of how Ricky and Stef started and a bit of Ricky’s story of that experience,” says Mau, who has dedicated another of the album’s songs to his son. year and a half, Apollo.

“With my boy, I realized that it is the purest, greatest love that I have felt in my life, but that because of the fears and the things that one fears for the boy one sometimes feels enormous pain. That’s why the song “I didn’t think it hurt to love you so much.”

But what are you afraid of?
I’m still afraid to give him swimming lessons and help him learn to swim by putting him under the water a little bit. I’m… he’s happy and I’m oh my God!

Since her son was born, a year and a half ago, her life has taken a 180-degree turn. “When I’m deciding what to do, well obviously I have to consider the fact that it’s not just about grabbing my stuff and leaving, but ‘okay, how do we all get to travel?’ And if not, how do I get back to my house quickly to be with them, right?” says Mau.

“Then it happened to me, for example, in the recording of these videos and this documentary that we went to Venezuela for three months.

“The first month and a half they didn’t come, huh? So, once my little son got sick, I left Caracas one afternoon at three o’clock, to arrive type 11. And I came back, spent the night and at six in the morning I was back out to record a video that we couldn’t move because we had the location and everything ready. “So, huh? I sleep less.”

And you, Ricky, do you want to have children?
For now I’m fine as it is, but give me a couple of years because it will surely rub off on you.

Continue reading more from Mau and Ricky here:
· Mau and Ricky, sons of Ricardo Montaner, deny their father’s alleged millionaire debt in the United States
· Mau Montaner celebrates the birth of his son Apolo
· Strong confession from a Montaner: Mau admits that he was jealous of Camilo

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