Price of the dollar TODAY in Mexico: Thursday, May 23

Price of the dollar TODAY in Mexico: Thursday, May 23


Written in TRENDS he

Like every day, at Heraldo USA, we present you today’s global financial report so you can start the day knowing the dollar price today in its exchange to different currencies of Latin American countries. What is the price of the dollar today? Throughout this note we share this and more information that is surely of value to you. Keep reading!

Today, Thursday, May 23, 2024, the dollar pricer American in Mexico is 16.6628 pesos Mexicans at the close of the day, which indicates that it presented an increase of +0.00028, which is equal to +0.02%, this if we compare it with the previous day, May 22.

Price of the dollar in Mexico on May 23, 2024:

Today the dollar American is trading at 16.66 pesos in Mexico, however, we must also take into account that banks establish a sale and purchase price of different value, so below, we also share the price list in each of them. the most important banking institutes at the national level. These are the prices for sale and purchase today May 23, 2024.


Price of the dollar today when purchasing:

  • Banco Azteca: 16.00 Mexican pesos
  • BBVA: 15.79 Mexican pesos
  • Inbursa: 16.40 Mexican pesos
  • Banorte: 15.45 Mexican pesos
  • Santander: 15.50 Mexican pesos
  • Banregio: 15.90 Mexican pesos
  • Banbajío: 15.90 Mexican pesos
  • Scotiabank: 14.60 Mexican pesos

Dollar price for sale today:

  • Banco Azteca: 17.39 Mexican pesos
  • BBVA: 16.94 Mexican pesos
  • Inbursa: 18.00 Mexican pesos
  • Banorte: 16.85 Mexican pesos
  • Santander: 17.20 Mexican pesos
  • Banregio: 17.20 Mexican pesos
  • Banbajío: 17.20 Mexican pesos
  • Scotiabank: 17.80 Mexican pesos
dollar info

Price of the dollar in Latin America on May 23, 2024:

So that you have a complete overview of the Latin American economy, we share with you the change of the dollar to other currencies. In Brazil at the close there was an increase of +0.06%, while in Chile it was +0.016%; On the other hand, in Colombia there was a decrease of -0.01% and in Argentina the currency did not change.

  • Brazilian real: 5.15356 reais
  • Colombian peso: 3,829.65 pesos
  • Chilean peso 908.88 pesos
  • Argentine peso: 890,0000 pesos
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