Sofía Vergara reveals that she suffered permanent injuries in her characterization as Griselda Blanco – El Diario NY

Sofía Vergara reveals that she suffered permanent injuries in her characterization as Griselda Blanco – El Diario NY

Almost half a year after the launch of his most recent series with NetflixGriselda”, Sofia Vergara continues to “suffer” the intense work he carried out to impersonate the Colombian drug trafficker Griselda Blanco.

During his most recent interview with the specialized media deadlinethe interpreter of “Modern Family” mentioned that during the process of developing her character, and as a way to move away from her previous roles as a “Latina” woman, she adopted a different way of walking that was closer to the way she created her character.

However, despite the support he received from the production to bring his role to life, he suffered a serious injury that caused him, on one occasion, to not be able to get out of bed.

Given this, her personal doctor urged her not to continue performing the same action due to her age and physical integrity: “You can’t walk in a different posture like that for three months at 50 years old.”

The consequences of being Griselda Blanco

Despite his doctor’s warning, Sofia Vergara He continued carrying out the peculiar walk that he had devised for his character. However, to carry out this action, the Colombian revealed that she had to undergo various injections to move forward.

Sofia Vergara posing.

Due to the above, and after months of work, the model also mentioned that she suffered a herniated disc, which is considered a condition that arises when a part of the nucleus of the disc comes out through a crack in the ring that covers the nucleus. and may cause pain, numbness, or weakness in a leg or arm.

“I had three more months left, so they gave me an injection, I actually herniated a disc and now I have to deal with it forever, but I kept going.”

Sofia Vergara


Due to the above, the South American businesswoman also mentioned that despite the regret she felt, she “had no other option.” However, and as revealed by Vergarathis “sacrifice was worth it” because this action made his character look different.

Sofia Vergara posing.
Sofía Vergara premiered her series “Griselda” in January of this year.
Credit: Mezcalo

In the same interview, Sofia Vergara He also confessed that due to the nature of his character, he suffered greatly during the development process. Due to the above, she found it necessary to take certain medications to be able to sleep at night and relax.

I started taking a little something to sleep at night, to be able to relax, because the next day you have to get up super early to go to work.”

Sofia Vergara


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