They capture the widow of Julián Figueroa with another man holding hands and very affectionate

They capture the widow of Julián Figueroa with another man holding hands and very affectionate


A little over a year has passed since the unfortunate death of Julian Figueroawho lost his life at the age of 27 after suffering a myocardial infarction at home, leaving the family he had already formed with Imelda Garza and his son, José Julián, as well as his motherMaribel Guardia. But it seems that the young woman does not want to close herself off from love and wants to give herself one more chance, as was recently seen.

And the actress was present at the premiere at the controversial premiere of the play “Aventurera”, starring Irina Baeva, where she was seen with a man whose hand she held on several occasions, so many assure that she would already be open to having a New relationship.

The famous woman was captured by the cameras of the entertainment program “Ventaneando” while she was enjoying the show and that was when the television cameras realized the companion of Imelda, who could be his new conquest and would be someone who is dedicated to the world of politics.

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What Imelda Garza said about her new conquest

After seeing her very affectionate with this mysterious man, The “Ventaneando” reporter, Ricardo Manjarrez, questioned her about her supposed new relationship and she answered this with quite a bit of nerve, although in reality she denied that she was in a new relationship.

The young widow assured that far from having a new romance or having a more chance in love, The reality is that it is a friend, since she declared that for now she is focused on her career, mainly because of everything that will come like a new play and music.

“Yes, he’s a calm friend. No, right now I’m very focused on my career, in fact very important things are coming, I’m about to finish mixing a song, I’m going to record a new one, I’m going to release work right now in two weeks, I’m busy in rehearsals, so yes, I’m focused on that,” she said.

But she also assured that after the death of Julián Figueroa, she is not closed to love, but it is simply not the right time for her, since she prefers focus on your work and your child: “No, I’m not denied love, but not right now. Right now I feel very good, I’m very calm.”

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