Yosgart Gutiérrez rules out that Cruz Azul is afraid of the América shirt – La Opinion

Yosgart Gutiérrez rules out that Cruz Azul is afraid of the América shirt – La Opinion

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Because at every moment the Cruz Azul fans or anyone else reminds him of the sad and incredible moments that happened in that final of the Clausura 2013 tournament, in which America in five minutes snatched the title of champion from the Celeste Machine, in what seems from afar that has generated a psychosis of the cement workers before the Americanist shirt, the former goalkeeper of the celestial team Yosgart Gutiérrez, present from the bench in that gamecategorically denied that there is fear in Cruz Azul regarding the América shirt.

In chat with The opinionGutiérrez, who witnessed those sad events on the field of the Azteca Stadium 11 years ago, flatly denied that from that final there was any a stage fright in front of Americanist colors.

“No, completely not, emphatically, no. There would be no reason Cruz Azul should be afraid of America, There is no reason to be afraid of the America shirt, I tell you personally, since we were children we are injected with sports hatred since we are in the basic forces. It is true that the games against them are very intense, they are experienced differently, they are games that mark your football career from the moment you put on this shirt. If there is respect for America, it is obviously a large institution, one of the best institutions in Mexico, so no fear, respect, I think it will always exist, but on my part it was never fear.

The former Cruz Azul goalkeeper, in the conversation with this publishing house, acknowledged that since that 2013 defeat It has been difficult to survive in the environment of the Machine, since it has been one of the most beaten, most reviled fans, but with all that, they have always sought to achieve the best to put Cruz Azul at the top of Mexican soccer.

“I think that the Cruz Azul fans are admirable to me, because they have endured a lot of situations.” that the team has gone through, the institution has gone through, the Cruz Azul fans are a very loyal and noble fan that is always there, is always supporting, is always waiting for their team to achieve good results, that always seeks to fight for championships. . What they do is admirable and they deserve recognition for everything that has happened and I think that on Sunday we are going to go all out and hope that a good result is achieved,” he said.

In the blue locker room of 2013 you could even hear the flight of a fly

When Yosgart Gutiérrez digs into the trunk of his memories, he has fixed on the drawing of that Cruz Azul locker room after losing the final against America and that has been the spearhead of all the criticism and contempt that the light blue colors have suffered throughout these years, highlighting that the silence and laments were so sepulchral that even the flight could be heard of a fly

“The locker room was so sad and the silence so impressive that you could even hear a fly flying. But that’s already happened and like everything in life you have to turn the page and start working on what’s next, that’s what we did and although I had to leave Cruz Azul after that final, people were That unfortunate memory remained to the extent that people at every moment take it upon themselves to remind you of it and now that there is a new final we are talking about it, but I think that the color blue is not the same now and it is not the same America either, so I believe that history will be different,” he recalled.

However, Yosgart did not agree with the assessment that Cruz Azul is new due to all the mockery and humiliation he has endured against América. He has everything to win and nothing to lose, but on the contrary, he explained that in Cruz Azul there is always a fight against its own history and that has always been that of a so-called great club.

“I think they are two great institutions, it is a duel where there is a lot of pride And I think it’s good that the fact of having arrived here when nobody expected them to be in a final last January makes them a competitive and good team that can fight for the title. I believe that the work of coach Martín Anselmi, his coaching staff, management and players have managed to change that panorama and now be fighting for the title. “If you had bet me that we would be in the final, I don’t think anyone would have taken the bet,” he said.

Keep reading:
– Cost of tickets and when they can be purchased for the final América vs. Blue Cross
– Kevin Álvarez ruled out for the grand final between América vs. Blue Cross
– Chilean Igor Lichnovsky with his hours counted in Coapa

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