American VISA: What are the most frequent questions you are asked in the interview?

American VISA: What are the most frequent questions you are asked in the interview?

Written in TRENDS he

One of the most important documents to be able to enter the USA legally it is the American visa, which is essential when wanting to travel to that country, since it is one of the procedures that we must carry out, in addition to the passport to avoid having problems with the US authorities and also have a way to officially identify ourselves.

But it is also important to take into account we must comply with a series of documents, but also to be able to successfully pass the interview that the consulate in charge gives us, since that is where we will give quite important information and that must be in accordance with what we fill out in the forms.

In addition, if this document is urgent for you, also since last 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this procedure has presented important delays which to this day continue for several months or until the year 2026, so this could ruin and delay your plans and you do not take it into account.


The questions that will be asked in the visa interview to avoid mistakes

There are many reasons why you may deny visa, That is why if it is the first time that you are going to process this document, we will give you some advice and we will also help you prepare for avoid errors, mainly for those who applied for the B1/B2 tourist visa.

It is much better to be prepared for any situation before the interview that the US authorities may give you, because if you do not answer correctly they will deny you the visa because it will be one of the most important errors that they will take into account.

The charged personnel will interview you and make you questions based on the information that you yourself provided when filling out the DS-160 application, so you need to know that the information matches and they will ask you again these types of questions that we will ask you below.


Frequently asked questions:

  1. What city in the United States are you traveling to?
  2. What is the purpose of your trip?
  3. How long will you stay and when do you plan to leave?
  4. Where do you work, how long have you been working and what activities do you do?
  5. How will you cover the expenses of your trip?
  6. Where will you stay?
  7. Do you have family in the United States?

Now that you know what are the most frequent questions that can be asked in an interview to obtain your tourist visa, you will be prepared for when the time for the procedure arrives and you can be approved easily

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