Former exotic dancer threatens to post intimate photos of Prince Harry on OnlyFans;  The platform has already expelled her – El Diario NY

Former exotic dancer threatens to post intimate photos of Prince Harry on OnlyFans; The platform has already expelled her – El Diario NY

The content creator for OnlyFans, Carrie Royalerevealed to keep a series of photographs of the Prince Harry completely naked. According to the English media The Sun, which Royale approached, these images date back to the occasion in which, supposedly, the son of King Charles III and the model were together during a party in Las Vegas in 2012.

These photographs have never been seen by the public. I have photos by the pool from before the night (partying) and photos of Enrique completely naked. “People will be surprised by them.”

As revealed by the dominatrix, during the meeting she had with the brother of the Prince Williammore than 10 years ago, she and her current husband Meghan Markle They also kissed.

He even mentioned that at that time, Harry He arrived naked at the party, prompting a member of the Duke of Sussex’s security team to approach Royale to invite her to “party” with the philanthropist in his suite.

Why does Carrie Royal want to reveal Prince Harry’s photos?

Regarding the reason why the former exotic dancer intends to reveal the photos of the member of the Royal House, Royale herself pointed out that this action would be a kind of “revenge” after Harry did not include it in his book. “Spare”, which was released last year.

Tom Hiddleston

After Royale’s threat, who pointed out that the photographs of Harry could be seen for the payment of a special fee, the famous content platform revealed that Royale had been expelled from the website in addition to the fact that her profile had been deleted to prevent the dissemination of non-consensual photographs.

The creator’s (Carrie Royale) account has been deactivated and she has been banned from the platform for threatening to share non-consensual intimate images.

OnlyFans spokesperson

It should be remembered that in the same 2012, the tabloid The Sun published a series of images of Harry naked and hugged by a woman. In the same way, and since the publication of the book by the husband of Meghan Marklethe same Harry He confessed to having “experienced” a large number of parties and celebrations during his younger years.

In one of them, he even reported having consumed mushrooms at the Friends actress’s house. Courtney Coxwith whom he was also in love. After the prince’s revelation, the interpreter of the Scream saga revealed that she did not remember what happened in addition to pointing out that she had not noticed the presence of the member of the British Royal House.

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