Ingrid Coronado on the possibility of marrying her partner: “It is a very difficult question” – El Diario NY

Ingrid Coronado on the possibility of marrying her partner: “It is a very difficult question” – El Diario NY

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Ingrid Coronado prefers to enjoy her relationship with Germán Bricio without pressure or expectations, letting things flow naturally and enjoying the happiness and love they share together. Although For now the altar is not in their plans, you never know what the future holds for this very special couple.

In the program ‘De Primera Mano’ they asked him if he saw himself taking a step further with his partner and he said: “It is a very difficult question. Right now I could tell you that I am perfect like this: I live with my children, I have my boyfriend, we are happy, but I don’t know if we will have that desire later.”

“What happens is that right now my children are little, they live with me, and It would be a slightly complicated dynamic for me to have a man who is not their father (live with them). I feel that right now we are fine, the three of us, my dog ​​and I live very happily, I like this family very much,” he responded.

Coronado revealed that, although she is very happy with Germán Bricio and believes that he is the perfect man for her, she does not feel the need to get married at this point in her life. The presenter explained that She has gone through two divorces in the past and has learned to value her independence and autonomy.

“But, later on they fly, I don’t know if they are going to study outside of Mexico, if they are going to live alone, well “Maybe if I am alone if I want to have a life as a couple and live together, and maybe even get married,” added the television presenter.

Yes there is someone in my heart. I asked the universe and I asked it many times and with all my heart, but finally I think what I was waiting for arrived, what I was looking for,” he expressed about their love bond.

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