Laura Flores reveals that she had a cerebral microinfarction due to a cosmetic treatment – El Diario NY

Laura Flores reveals that she had a cerebral microinfarction due to a cosmetic treatment – El Diario NY

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To raise awareness among people, the actress Laura Flores revealed through a publication on his Instagram account, that he had a microinfarction due to cosmetic treatment which he had been going to for 20 years.

In the video she uploaded, the singer also reported that for years she has been resorting to sclerotherapy, which is a treatment used to destroy abnormal blood vessels that cause varicose veins, mainly in the legs.

“I want to share with you something that happened to me because it is important to tell these things. I had always had sclerotherapy treatment. It is a treatment where you inject the veins in your legs when they look like spiders. I always went to a dermatologist and she injected my veins and they disappeared, then you had to keep coming back and do it constantly. “I was having it done every six months for the last 20 years,” she indicated.

Flores explained that after three days of undergoing the treatment he had a cerebral microinfarction that paralyzed half of his face and affected his speech.

“The week before Easter, a Tuesday after I went to do my sclerotherapy treatment in the morning, at night I had a micro-brain infarction. I was with my sister, at her house, watching television and I had a micro-brain infarction. My right arm and half of my face were paralyzed., I wanted to talk and I couldn’t talk“.

“It was a horrible feeling that I can’t describe because I start crying again. When I regained speech, which was after about 40 seconds, I was able to yell, ‘doctor!’” she stated.

The actress was taken to a hospital and a group of doctors stabilized her so she could later travel to the United States, where they performed all kinds of studies.

“They hospitalized me for two days, they did all kinds of tests on me, they put a monitor on my heart to check my heart rate. They analyzed everything and the scar appears, it’s like a little white dot on my brain where this clot that was getting stuck and passed left the scar. That is to say, I’m alive by a miracle!“, he assured.

Finally, Laura Flores recommended that people who are thinking about undergoing a treatment of this type visit a angiologist to perform a thorough study of their health and propensity to generate clots, so that in this way, they can avoid living a possible bad experience like the one she went through.

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