Prophecy details that 40 days of TRAGEDIES and disasters await the US after solar eclipse

Prophecy details that 40 days of TRAGEDIES and disasters await the US after solar eclipse


Written in TRENDS he

In recent days, topics involving the eclipse solar from today at prophecies that over the years famous clairvoyants have made regarding catastrophes that will affect humanity and warning that this natural phenomenon could probably mark the beginning of the end of the world. Below, we present the predictions with respect to state Joined and what awaits Americans from today, April 8, to the next 40 days.

Today, April 8, 2024, the world will experience its last eclipse total of sun, which will cross from the Pacific Ocean and end in the Atlantic, that is, it will cross the north of Mexico after 11 am, the east of state Joined starting at 12:30 pm and southeastern Canada from 3:30 pm until just after 5 pm. It will be an astronomical phenomenon that has not occurred since the Great Eclipse of 2017, which crossed the United States from side to side, but in the opposite direction, from east to west.

Both eclipses, that of 2024 and that of 2017, will draw a line ‘X’ that will intersect in the center of state Joined. These events would be considered a prophecy which is written in the Bible, as confirmed by renowned contemporary seers. “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars, and on the earth, distress among the nations, perplexed because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, 26 men fainting for fear and expectation of the things that will come upon the world…” reads Luke 21:25.


In the coming days, it is expected that disasters will continue to occur on the planet, well, let us remember that for some months the situation has gone from bad to worse, earthquakes do not stop, hurricanes shake entire communities and climate change is causing droughts extremes that end in serious fires that cannot be controlled. Changes in the universe reveal that the end of the world is coming, according to divination experts.

In state Joined They will continue to experience the extreme changes in climate they live with, from extreme storms and freezing temperatures to unbearable heat that will lead to fires in much of the country. Furthermore, famine will stalk entire towns.

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