Review: ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist

Review: ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist

ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist It is the direct sequel to Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights, we had previously accompanied the young protagonist named Lily on her journey through the lands of Finisterra, in which after some tough fights and a moving story we reached a moving conclusion that charmed more than one fan of such an excellent game. Now is the time to talk to you about Ender MagnoliaWill this sequel be as good as its prequel? Well let’s check it out.

ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist an impressive sequel

As usual, we open this game with a mysterious cinematic where we are told a little about what happened, but without fully understanding it, it is revealed to us that in this world there are creatures that we will know as “homunculi.” These mechanized beings are powered with an amount of magic that gives them life and allows them to serve in different ways.

Ender MagnoliaEnder Magnolia

This seemed to look very good for the settlers, although they would soon learn that this would end up being a mistake, because these would reveal themselves among their creators and they would begin to attack them uncontrollably. It is at this point, as it turns out, that our protagonist Lilac wakes up lying on a white surface, without knowing precisely how she got to that place.

After advancing for a while and avoiding the occasional homunculus, we reach an area where we see a homunculus in poor condition, which stands up to speak to us and ask that in exchange for providing it with magic so that it can get up, it accompanies us to protect us and take care of the other homunculi. After exploring more in the area, we will meet our first boss to defeat, this homunculus with the appearance of a young man attacks us frantically to end our existence, what he did not count on is that we would be more skilled and we would end up as the winners in this contest .

Ender MagnoliaEnder Magnolia

On this occasion we will not have the “purification” that our young woman had Lilybut now we will know the process of helping the bosses as “tuning”, this with the intention of giving them a little magic and they come to their senses, to help us throughout our adventure.


This sequel is not so different from its prequel, although we do see certain differences that we did not see in lilies, as it is the case that the skills no longer have limited uses, now we only have to wait for them to finish their cooldown before using them again. On the other hand, perhaps we will no longer be able to use how many sub-bosses or bosses we defeat, as there will be some who only provide us with materials to improve the attributes of our homunculi.

Ender MagnoliaEnder Magnolia

As for the homunculi, which we have at the moment, they can change abilities between a set of 3, plus if we choose one mode, we will not be able to occupy another mode in the space slots for the attack. As in liliesin Magnolia We will have the support of relics, which will give us more health points, defense, or even the amount of health points that we recover with each healing. Another addition is the equipment part, which, like the relics, considerably improves Lilac’s statistics. to endure the hard and difficult lands of Humelia.


Ender Magnolia It may not be finished at the date of uploading this video, but for the time it entertained us, in addition to the piece of adventure they showed us, it would not be surprising that this installment aims to greatly surpass its predecessor, yes. , without forgetting key points in history such as events that we have seen in Finisterra.

Ender MagnoliaEnder Magnolia

For the moment we are waiting for future updates where we see the next events in the story, and we are excited to see how it will conclude. We cannot forget to remind you that if you want to try this gem in the making, you can purchase it on PC through the Steam online store, Ender Magnolia It will arrive on other platforms at some point in 2024.

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