Texas launches EMPLOYMENT for people without education with a salary of $110 a day

Texas launches EMPLOYMENT for people without education with a salary of $110 a day


Written in TRENDS he

Considered one of the border states with Mexico most important in the American union, has launched a job which is perfect for people who do not have studies, but it has positioned itself as one of those with the most competitive salary, because according to the SimplyHired.com portal you could win up to 110 dollars a day, and below we will tell you how you can be one of those considered.

It is important to mention that by 2023, Texas It is considered the second most populated state in the USAbehind of California; In addition, it is also the second highest power regional economic and second largest population, so thousands of people want a chance to settle completely in this place.

According to the aforementioned portal, in Cypress, Texas, We are looking for a person who meets the profile for the position of Cleaning person, and the best of all is that you don’t need to have studies to be considered for this employment opportunity for the business of Gossip & Co Nail Spa, and below we will tell you everything you need to know.

Photo: SimplyHired.com portal

According to the description released in the SimplyHired.com portal, in order to be considered for this Job Opportunityyou are looking for a cleaning person to create and maintain an environment of clean work for the salon during business hours, and with this offer a atmosphere much better to all clients, so this is your opportunity to start a new life in the state of Texas.

What do I need to work in Texas for $110 a day?

According to the portal. the person who becomes this job opportunity, You will be in charge of different activities such as: cleaning, preparing materials, inventory and helping with other small tasks, since according to the profile you must meet is that you be honest, reliable, pleasant to work with and have a positive attitude, And best of all, you don’t have stupid baskets.

To be able to stay in this job you do not need to have previous experience, much less have studies, but if you must consider the working hours, since it is a three-day a week shift; Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, but the best of all is that you can earn a salary of up to 110 dollars a day, and the best of all is that you can apply on the aforementioned portal.


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