The ingredient rich in calcium that will help your lemon tree grow its fruits

The ingredient rich in calcium that will help your lemon tree grow its fruits

Written in TRENDS he

The lovers of floors they have as one of their trees favorites the lemon Tree thanks to the large amount of citrus they can give us and how good it could be to have it in our gardens, since it is very easy to care for and not only that, but we can take great advantage of the lemons it gives us, whether to use it in dishes or drinks or even save several pesos compared to what we would spend in the markets.

Although it requires basic care such as giving it the appropriate amount of water, as well as offering it natural sunlight, we can also help it by giving it certain nutrients through homemade fertilizers or fertilizers, this time we will tell you what you should put in it to help it give us more fruit.

On this occasion, we will use one of the most popular and widely consumed drinks every day. part of the population, it is the milk, which is rich in calcium and without a doubt, it is one of the basic ingredients or products that we can find in our kitchens.


Milk, in addition to offering us more calcium, can also provide us with proteins, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins A, D and E, water, among others. But in addition to this ingredient we will also use others such as rice which is rich in phosphorus and nitrogen.

How to make fertilizer with rice and milk


  • Two tablespoons of powdered milk
  • 350 grams of worm castings
  • 150 grams of rice
  • Two tablespoons of honey or cane molasses

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  1. Place all the ingredients in the same container to mix them.
  2. Add 7 liters of water to the mixture and stir until smooth.
  3. Let the mixture sit for 4 to 5 hours to obtain all the nutrients.

Now that the indicated hours have passed, you can pour it into a spray bottle and use it on your lemon tree so that it explodes with fruit and not only that, but your lemons grow to a better size and are juicier than ever, so do not hesitate to Put this homemade fertilizer to the test and tell us if you got the desired results.

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