The plant you should have at home to attract GOOD LUCK and PROSPERITY

The plant you should have at home to attract GOOD LUCK and PROSPERITY

Written in TRENDS he

Many people tend to resort to the great teachings that the Feng Shui, since in this way we can put the attraction with such simple things or objects that we usually have at home that we believe serve as pure decoration, but they do not, so each object has an energy and power that we can make the most of for our benefit and here we tell you how to do it.

The objects that can help us according to this Chinese philosophy range from mirrors, lamps, to furniture, but one of those that is mainly used is the floors and today we will tell you which of all the species that exist will help us to attract prosperity as well as good luck.

The plant that we must have at home so that we do not lack luck and can attract prosperity and abundance is the mother-in-law’s tonguewhich is undoubtedly very characteristic for its elongated leaves and is one of the most popular among gardening lovers, so it will be very helpful to us on this occasion.


Where to place the mother-in-law’s tongue and enhance attraction

This plant is very popular in Feng Shui thanks to the fact that it can bring good luck, prosperity, as well as wealth and protection, To prevent bad energies from reaching the home, that is why it is very important not only to have it but also to know where to place it.

He ideal place to put this plant in the main entrance of our house, since this way we can use it as a protective amulet and we will also give you an extra tip, because it will be with the help of an ingredient that we usually have in the kitchen and that will add a lot to the language of mother-in-law, it’s about clove.


The way we should use this ingredient is to place three cloves in the soil where your plant is located, whether in the garden or in a pot, since certain properties are also attributed to it, such as attracting good things and warding off bad energies, which can enhance attraction.

Cloves are very powerful and will help us do three things: bring luck, money, abundance and protect us, as it is associated with fortune, opening paths, being a shield, warding off bad energies, giving us security in life. home and help us with financial matters.

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