What happened to Victoria Ruffo?  Actress is caught in a wheelchair and causes concern

What happened to Victoria Ruffo? Actress is caught in a wheelchair and causes concern


One of the most beloved actresses in the world of entertainment in Spanish is Victoria Ruffowho over the years has managed to conquer the public with her enormous talent in melodramas, which has catapulted her as one of the greatest figures, mainly for her famous scenes full of tears or sadness, which is why she is always demonstrating his great acting abilities.

But now, the star has caused great concern over health issues and it was captured on the night of this Sunday, March 10, while arriving in Mexico City, but it did so in Wheelchair while meeting the media.

The actress She was helped by workers from the Mexico City International Airport in the middle of the meeting with reporters and in a wheelchair she gave the interviews where she spoke about various topics such as her alleged rivalry with Lety Calderón.

IG @victoriaruffo

“Oh no, I love Lety very much, we have gotten along very well for many years. We have a dark humor, when they know me they know that I joke a lot… When we did ‘In the name of love’ they had offered me the villain and at the mere moment that ‘people don’t love you badly’, the tables turned.” , he indicated.

This is how Victoria Ruffo appeared in the wheelchair

At 69 years old, the “queen of soap operas” appeared in a wheelchair and caused a lot of concern among her followers and although she tried to appear calm despite her condition, she did not reveal more details about any possible illness or disease it can have.

This is not the first time that the star has been caught using a wheelchair, as the same thing happened in 2023, although at that time he did give an explanation, and assured that he prefers to use the chair when he has to walk a lot due to some conditions that he suffers from. has.

“I have three lumbar hernias and three cervical hernias. So, when you have to walk a lot, I can’t. So, I prefer to go, from now on, in little races with the wheelchair,” she added.

Likewise, Victoria announced in July of last year that she was already in treatment for his hernias in order to avoid having to undergo any surgical intervention. “I’m undergoing treatments, they put me on a table that stretches you, they stretch your neck, there are like 40 sessions of each one, this is done to avoid operations.”


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