What is Ninel Conde’s favorite aesthetic treatment?  Clarissa Molina tells it all – El Diario NY

What is Ninel Conde’s favorite aesthetic treatment? Clarissa Molina tells it all – El Diario NY

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The Mexican actress Ninel Conde It is characterized by having an incredible image, which it takes care of not only with good nutrition and exercise, but also with some aesthetic treatments to show off beautiful skin.

In the section ‘Beautiful as a star’, hosted by Clarissa Molina for the program ‘El Gordo y la Flaca’, they revealed details of what that procedure is that the ‘Bombón Asesino’ constantly performs.

Dr. Eladio Galán said that it is the pico laser, a treatment that has gone viral on social networks due to the results it produces.

“It is a treatment that is done on the skin to help with its treatment and care,” Clarissa Molina said, and then indicated that it helps to have skin free of blemishes or any acne.

Then, the specialist said that the procedure is number 1 in the world for correcting spots or skin pigmentation.

In addition, it is used to combat wrinkles, scars or other imperfections that may arise.

The pico laser practice can be done once every five weeks for two or three sessions. Then, it is done every four or five months, as Galán explained.

“I want to see the process, how Ninel does it,” said Clarissa Molina, and then explained that after a check-up the face or the area to be treated is disinfected. “If necessary, topical anesthesia is applied, the laser parameters are configured according to the patient’s specific needs, and the treatment proceeds,” Indian.

Then, the Dominican explained that it is necessary to use sunscreen on a daily basis to keep the skin cared for.

After presenting the report, Raúl de Molina joked that he would send his wife to the doctor, since she has a small spot that she would like to remove. However, the one who was not very encouraged was Lili Estefan, who explained that she would not be interested, at least for now, in the pico laser.

In this section, Clarissa is in charge of telling in detail some of the secrets of celebrities to have an impact physique.

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