World War III: This is the DATE it begins according to the living Nostradamus

World War III: This is the DATE it begins according to the living Nostradamus


Written in TRENDS he

After the events that have occurred in the Middle East and the obvious conflicts, the entire world is horrified at the idea of ​​​​the beginning of the Third World war this 2024, because all indications indicate that if it reaches a higher level, chaos could be unleashed. Dozens of theories about this have emerged in recent days on the Internet, however, the one that is gaining the most strength is that of Athos Salome, who is considered the “Nostradamus “living” for the great gift he has for divination.

The attacks between Iran and Israel this month have instilled a lot of fear not only in Asians, but in general in the world population, because not only are both regions involved, but also other countries that are considered world powers. The Israelis’ allies are the United States, Canada, India, Japan, France, the United Kingdom, Australia, Ukraine, South Korea and Norway. On the other hand, Iranian allies are China, North Korea, Venezuela, Lebanon, Syria, Russia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen.

Let us remember that this war did not begin recently, but has been involved for at least 75 years in a constant conflict and attacks between one another that has left thousands of civilians dead over the years. It is a constant concern that tension continues to grow, because this could lead to a war that lasts many more years and, with technological advances, could eliminate entire populations.

What did Athos Salomé say about World War III?

After the recent aerial attack by drones and missiles from Iran on Israel, different theories have emerged that suggest that some seers recognized throughout history would have predicted the beginning of such an event several years in advance, among which we find NostradamusMhoni Vidente and even Athos Salome, who is considered to have a very similar gift and of the same magnitude as Nostradamus.

A few years ago, during a question and answer session, Athos Salomé revealed that one of his visualizations was focused on Third World war and the end of humanity. Although he did not reveal the date, he confessed that it would begin with an attack that would involve world powers such as the United States, China, Japan and Russia. Furthermore, on that occasion he said that the war between Asian countries “would intensify.”

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