American VISA: What documents do you need to complete the procedure?

American VISA: What documents do you need to complete the procedure?

Written in TRENDS he

The American visa It is the document that will allow you to travel to United Statess completely legally, in order to obtain this accreditation you must meet some requirements, as well as present some documents that will be requested to carry out the Procedure. The process in Mexico is generally slow, but if you have the desire or need to travel to USA You must comply with it since your accreditation will be requested by immigration officials when you request to enter the country.

It is worth mentioning that each type of American visa requires special requirements and documents for the purpose for which it will be issued, the same requirements are not met for a work visa as for an American investor visa. Today we will share with you what documents are needed to carry out the visa process. most common, I am referring to the tourist visa, which is the most requested document at embassies and consulates.

The tourist visa or B1/B2 is a non-immigrant visa that is generally valid for 2 years. This document allows the holder to legally and temporarily enter USA for a period of up to 90 days, the period that the beneficiary will have to be able to remain in the United States territory during each visit will be indicated in the document by the entry officer to the country who will mark the visa with the date of entry and the date of departure. , this indication must be followed to avoid possible retaliation.

These are the documents you need to process your visa

To carry out the Procedure For a B1-B2 tourist visa, you must present your current passport, a printed registration confirmation sheet of Form DS-160 and the original payment receipt for the procedure. The current price of the tourist visa is $185. These are the basic documents to request this type of American visa. To carry out the procedure, the first thing you must do is register in the system of the Embassy or consulate of USA in Mexico and fill out form DS-160.

Then you must register as a user on the platform and there you will download the payment receipt, when the cost of your Procedure is covered, you will be able to enter the appointment system to schedule your consular interview with an immigration officer. After selecting the date, you will have to wait for the day and time of your appointment. This can take even more than a year. Once the date arrives, the interview will take place where you will find out if your procedure is approved or not.

You must make sure that you correctly fill out the information on Form DS-160. You may need to attach bank documents, payroll documents or some receipts that will help you make clear your relationship with your country of origin. This may help your Procedure be approved because you will demonstrate that your trip will be merely temporary and it is not your intention to travel to the country to settle. Remember to provide truthful information and conduct yourself with courtesy and honesty.

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