How to know if I qualify to obtain citizenship in the United States in 2024

How to know if I qualify to obtain citizenship in the United States in 2024

Written in TRENDS he

In USA The most important status to which a foreigner can aspire is citizenship by naturalization, since with this they acquire a large number of benefits and, in addition, the law considers them as natives, which is why thousands of immigrants request it every year. However, not everyone can apply for it and only those who meet all the requirements are approved. Here we tell you how to know if you qualify to process it in 2024.

The people who come to live in USA legally they can climb the immigration statuses that the country has, among the first are those who carry an immigrant visa, then the legal permanent residents or holders of a Green Card and, finally, the citizens Americans by naturalization. Each of these statuses has its limitations, obligations and specific rights, as well as the requirements and the way to request is different.

Who can request the citizenship? According to the United States government website, there are four categories or situations in which a foreigner can be in order to apply to the immigration department for naturalization, these are: being a legal resident and having had a Green Card for at least for at least the last 5 years, be married to a US citizen and have had a Green Card for at least 3 years prior to the application, serve or have been part of the country’s Armed Forces or be the son or daughter of a citizen United States.


The first step to know if you qualify to apply for the citizenship is to identify the category you are part of, then you have to check that you cover all the requirements listed below. Requirements To apply for US citizenship:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Able to read, write and speak English at a basic level
  • Be a person of good moral conduct (not having broken the law)

If you comply with all the requirements already mentioned, then you can begin with your procedure, which is a long process that can last several months and consists of a civic education exam, an English exam and the final ceremony, in which you will have to recite the Oath of Allegiance with the that you undertake to defend the law of EUthe Constitution and the nation in the face of enemies.

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