Nominees for ‘La Casa de los Famosos 4’: a shakeup occurs in the Telemundo reality show – El Diario NY

Nominees for ‘La Casa de los Famosos 4’: a shakeup occurs in the Telemundo reality show – El Diario NY

La Casa de los Famosos 3

The nominees in ‘The House of Famous People 4’ this week has a particular characteristic and that is that several inhabitants are part of those chosen to be in this risk area.

The high number of artists who were on the verge of leaving the mansion located in Mexico is due to the fact that plots were carried out between them, something that is penalized in the reality television competition broadcast by the Telemundo network.

Those chosen this week are: La Divaza, La Melaza, Rodrigo Romeh, Clovis Nienow, Génesis Aleska, Gutty Lau, Alana Lliteras, Ariadna Gutiérrez, Maripily Rivera, Alfredo Adame, Lupillo Rivera and Cristina Porta.

‘La Casa de los Famosos 4’: who are the nominees?

This week those who were saved from the nomination are: La Bronca and Robbie Romeh.

Nacho Lozano was in charge of sharing the news with the residents and, as expected, the surprise among them did not take long to arrive, since they did not expect this situation to occur this Thursday.

“I imagine, residents, that your calculations are not working out, that the numbers, the cast, your memory, do not fit with the result of ‘La Jefa’,” commented the television presenter.

In addition to this, he explained what happened for the production to choose several nominees: “Conversations have been detected in which some residents were explicit in their voting intentions. If what was announced is fulfilled at the time of nomination, there will be sanctions.

This season of ‘La Casa de los Famosos’ has been characterized by intense twists that have increased the audience’s interest in knowing what happens day to day within coexistence.

Now with so many nominees, things get more intense, because there is a larger group of those eligible to leave the competition.

In recent weeks, members of the alliance of the Fire and Water rooms have been eliminated, thus empowering the Earth room. However, this last team has also been weakened by the departure of strong participants such as Thalí García and Gregorio Pernía, who saw themselves as outstanding competitors, but due to the pressure of the game they decided to abandon the game.

Keep reading:
· La Casa de los Famosos 4: Lupillo Rivera regrets having erased Belinda’s tattoo
· The House of Famous People 4: Lupillo Rivera isolates himself after conflict with his fourth land
· “La Jefa” announces surprises in La Casa de los Famosos 4: New inhabitant or Thalí returning?

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