Pierce Brosnan pleads guilty to hiking in prohibited area of ​​Yellowstone – El Diario NY

Pierce Brosnan pleads guilty to hiking in prohibited area of ​​Yellowstone – El Diario NY


The Irish actor Pierce Brosnan declared guilty hiking in a restricted area of ​​Yellowstone National Park.

According to information from the BBC, two months after the James Bond interpreter pleaded not guilty to having entered a dangerous hot spring area, he has now changed his version and accepted his guilt, receiving a fine of $1,500 dollars for the crime.

A judge in the state of Wyoming accepted his guilt, so he ordered him to pay the corresponding fine, which will be allocated to a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the park.

This Thursday, the actor accepted the violation of federal regulations, which prevent entry to the Mammoth Terraces hot springs.

Because Brosnan managed to reach an agreement with the authority, a charge was dropped for ignoring restricted traffic signs. Both accusations he faced were minor charges, according to TMZ reports.

Pierce Brosnan was accused of practicing illegal hiking after posting some photographs from the aforementioned hot springs, which represent a risk because there are geysers that emit acids that have caused fatal burns. Regardless of the accusations, the actor ignored them and walked through the natural space.

Keep reading:

· Pierce Brosnan pleads not guilty to entering prohibited areas of Yellowstone

· Pierce Brosnan could face up to 6 months in prison for entering a prohibited area of ​​​​Yellowstone

· Halle Berry revealed how Pierce Brosnan saved her from dying

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