The perfect kitchen ingredient to take care of your plants and flowers and have incredible results

The perfect kitchen ingredient to take care of your plants and flowers and have incredible results

Written in TRENDS he

All the gardening lovers they know that both floors like the flowers require care very special and although each one of them is different and needs other types of elements, there are basic things that can be applied to all of them and make them grow very healthy and strong, as well as prevent them from getting sick or infected with any pest, which can be quite simple and even economical.

Although, some of the most basic care that we can offer our plants and flowers is the appropriate amount of wateraccording to what you need to give it neither more nor less, as well as giving it natural sunlight without getting burned and always offering shade when required.

But in addition to these basic things, something we can also do is offer them fertilizers or natural fertilizers and what better than being able to make them at home without having to spend a lot of money since we normally use ingredients that we have in the kitchen.


That is why on this occasion we will use one of the grain most popular and that we mostly consume, it is the rice from which we will take advantage of all its benefits as well as the properties it offers us, which will make your garden become a paradise.

How to make homemade fertilizer with rice for plants and flowers

On this occasion, we will tell you how to prepare a homemade fertilizer with rice from which we will obtain great nutrients and mainly those that our plants need such as phosphorus, potassium or nitrogen so that they grow very healthy and that does a better job than fertilizers or fertilizers that we can buy.

Unsplash / Pixabay

The only thing you will have to do is mix rice with water in a container and let it sit for several days so that the water absorbs the released nutrients and can be enriched with all of them, and thus be able to use it as fertilizer for plants and flowers.

When these days have passed, you can use this mixture to water plants and flowers, either in pots or in your garden, as it will help them to feed through the roots and make them have better growth in order to that you can also avoid chemical products that are often harmful.

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