The story behind “Dance You Outta My Head”, a song by Cat Janice – 24 Horas

The story behind “Dance You Outta My Head”, a song by Cat Janice – 24 Horas

Here we tell you what is the history in back of “Dance You Outta My Head“, song of Cat Janicewhich has become popular in TikTok.

Many songs have gone viral on social networks, either because of their lyrics or because of the catchy rhythm that they can have at certain times, which has even allowed them to become a trend; However, there are songs like “Dance You Outta My Head” by Cat Janice that have become a trend due to their context.

Surely you have already heard the popular topic that has flooded the Chinese social network, but do you know what its story is? If not, don’t stop reading the note, because here we will tell you how it came about.

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“Dance You Outta My Head” was released at the end of January 2024 by American singer Cat Janice, who suffers from terminal cancer.

This song, although it has captivated by the catchy rhythm and the lyrics that are about forgetting about the problems that happen around you while you dance and shine, was performed as one of the greatest acts of love that a mother can have.

Well, Janice, who released this latest song for her 31st birthday -January 19-, announced that she wants to take care of her son even in her absence, so that everything raised from her song will go to her seven-year-old little boy.

“I leave all the profits to my son, who is very musically inclined, in the hopes of giving him the boost he will need later in life… I want to leave smiles, rhythm and joy for you and I know this is the right song for that” .

That is why for this reason he has moved not only his followers, but the public in general. Since its premiere, “Dance you outta my head” has resonated on social media, in order to help Cat achieve her goal.

And the mission has been a success, since the song is in the Top 5 on iTunes and has reached the Billboard list, surpassing new songs by artists like Ariana Grande.

Given this, Janice, who has experienced success from the comfort of her home, after her return from the hospital, sent a message of gratitude to all those who have supported her.

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“You all did this. You gave me my dream come true. Just when I needed it most. You all loved me back to life and gave me “a more alive moment.” I am eternally grateful. Whatever God brings my way, I know I am loved.”

It should be noted that the young singer was diagnosed for the first time with sarcoma in 2021, and although she managed to overcome the disease in 2022, it returned stronger in the summer of 2023. However, thanks to the support of the TikTok community, Janice This year he regained his spirit and hope, thanks to people who have encouraged him and helped him promote and encourage others to listen to his song on official platforms.


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