These are the best memes of the fall of Facebook and Instagram

These are the best memes of the fall of Facebook and Instagram

Here we leave you the best memes that users made while the drop of Facebook and instagram; still not reset.

This Tuesday morning, network users reported the fall of Facebook and Instagram, which did not allow them to navigate their profiles normally and caused a stir within the internet world.

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According to what was reported by the people who were affected by this flaw, the applications did not let them enter their accounts and even when they entered it automatically took them out of the interface.

Given this, the sense of humor came to the fore, which allowed Internet users to let their imagination fly, creating various memes that were spread through the social network “X”.

That is why here we leave you the best memes that have circulated during the fall of Facebook and Instagram:

“Everyone checks Twitter to see if Facebook is down for everyone else.”

“Please don’t make fun of #Facebook, it’s failing and everything but respect it.”

“#facebook went down and we moved to #x in chinga di.”

“I thought they hacked my Facebook, but then I see that everyone was logged out.”

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“Did anyone else freak out and think they were being hacked?”

“Life sending me to Twitter to check why Facebook went down.”

“Zuckerberg now.”

“I open Twitter to see if my phone isn’t broken, and Facebook and Messenger are down.”

So far the service has not been restored.


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