United States Citizenship: The ONLY Test Question You Can’t Fail

United States Citizenship: The ONLY Test Question You Can’t Fail


Written in TRENDS he

It is no secret to anyone that the spirit of belonging that thousands of people generate after living long periods of time in the USA leads them to want to acquire the American citizenship, and even if you don’t believe it, there is a question inside exam in which you cannot go wrong, because according to the experts, This could cost you the entire process if you fail, so take note and we will tell you what it is.

It is important to mention that the naturalization or American nationality is the status of a natural person as a legal member of this North American country what does it mean to have rights, privileges, immunities, economic benefits and obligations that people originating from this nation, but to access it you must comply with certain requirements in addition to an evaluation process that causes a lot of fear among applicants.

And the exam to access the citizenship It is made up of two parts that are very important so that immigration officials can grant the right to be one of them and make the oath to the nation, well one are civic knowledge and at the same time one to evaluate the English level which is available, since this is the language that predominates throughout its territory.

It is worth mentioning that to be approved for this exam you must have him basic level of the language to have minimal conversations and interactions, as well as correctly answer at least six questions out of the 10 that are going to be asked in order to be victorious, because on the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services A guide is made available to applicants.

The key question in US citizenship

It is important to mention that this guide, which can be accessed by people who are in the middle of the process, is made up of 100 reagents of which only 10 of them will be made, and although these are chosen at random, there are one in particular which will completely define this process, since things will change from one moment to the next if you do not answer it correctly and it is the following:

  • What do the stars and stripes on the American flag mean?

Although there is no official version from the United States authorities who say that this question will define the process, many experts assure that it is one of the ones that gives the residents of this region the most pride. country, Well, we are talking about one of the patriotic symbols that most distinguishes them, and according to the expertsgetting this question wrong will make the authorities feel somewhat uncomfortable and they may take the decision to discard the procedure and this is the answer:

  • The 13 horizontal stripes of the flag represent the 13 original colonies, alternating red and white colors; The 50 white stars on a blue background represent the 50 states.


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