What does the letter M mean on the American visa?

What does the letter M mean on the American visa?

Written in TRENDS he

The American visa It is a highly coveted document around the world, which is why the country’s immigration authorities have decided to reinforce security measures in each of the immigration documents that grant access to the country. These increasingly complex security codes have been designed to prevent credentials from being cloned and falsified as much as possible.

Depending on the type it is, the American visa It will have certain characteristics that make it unique or very unique. In addition, the process varies from person to person from the moment the request is made. These types of strategies have served the government of USA to keep an eye on the system of access to and exit from the territory and also to detect possible fraud that could be committed.

The document of American visa It has the holder’s data printed visibly, however, there is other data that is added over time, for example, some visas have the impression of one to three stars, according to information disseminated on social networks, these stars mean the degree of danger of the wearer. This information has not been confirmed by the authorities of USAwhich remain hermetic regarding providing information on some data visible on the visas.

This means the letter M on the American visa

The State Department of USA does not clarify the meaning of each of the peculiarities of the different types of American visaSurely keeping this information safe is part of a security protocol necessary to maintain the correct functioning of the country’s immigration system. The clarification that the immigration authorities do clarify forcefully is that having obtained a American visa It does not necessarily ensure access to the country.

The general data that can be generally seen on the front side of the visa are the following: full name of the holder, passport number, date of birth, place of issue of the visa, expiration date of the document, the letter R that indicates what the class or type of visa is, the letter M which indicates the number of times you can request entry to the country with that visa.

Sometimes an annotation can be included that specifies some specific information necessary to maintain control of the document, so not all visas are the same, it is true that they have similar characteristics but each document contains specific information and peculiar details that make it unique.

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