What is the American VISA that gives you permanent residence or Green Card in 2 years?

What is the American VISA that gives you permanent residence or Green Card in 2 years?

Written in TRENDS he

There are various documents that are essential for our stay within the United States and without a doubt one of them is the American visawhich is mandatory to be able to travel to this North American country legally and although it is not so easy to obtain, since you have to meet a series of requirements and pass the interview given to you by the consul in charge, you should know that you have advantages with this.

One of the advantages of having a US visa is that you can have the Green Card to be a permanent resident within the American country, but this will be especially for those who want to have a company in the US and that can generate jobs.

Foreigners who plan to put a company in the United States They can obtain their permanent residence in less time than normal, as it could be in just two years, but they need to have a specific type of visa, according to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).


This is the visa you need to have the Green Card in less time

The USCIS indicates that you need the EB-5 visa to obtain the ‘green card’ in just two years as part of the Immigrant Investor Program with which they seek foreign capital to come to their country to stimulate the local economy and in this way help them.

This program is that foreigners dedicated to business must create a new company within the United States, which can be in various areas such as joint venture, holding company or corporation, so you should choose the one you like best.

Likewise, one of the requirements more important is that the investment be 500 thousand dollars and generate at least 10 direct jobs, which must be in a place in the United States where there are fewer job opportunities, in order to create sources of employment.


On the other hand, if you want to create the company in a place where there is work, the amount of investment is different and on the contrary, it could double up to a million dollars, so it is necessary to review very carefully what area of ​​the country you want to set up your company.

It is also necessary to verify that your business has been operating in the United States for two years and that you maintain the number of positions mentioned, in addition to your employers obtaining the permanent residenceas well as his immediate family.


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