American VISA: What are the best months to do the process?

American VISA: What are the best months to do the process?

Written in TRENDS he

The formalities for the American visa they do not possess ‘infallible tricks.’ In general, approval for many permits to stay or visit USAit depends on how well you prepare your documents and how congruent you appear to consular officers when they interview you. Even so, as in all types of bureaucratic processes, there are always times of the year when the ‘tides’ of applications decrease, and consequently, the staff in charge is usually more relaxed and more willing to review each application (and even ‘better mood.’) Below, we give you the essential ‘tip’ on the best months to apply for your visa, increasing your chances of approval.

In what months should I process my VISA to have the best chance of approval?

According to different sources of immigration adviceJanuary and February are the ‘winning’ months in terms of visas. And it is that in said period, the requests for American visa They tend to be smaller due to the change of year and the ‘mandatory’ work season (few vacations start here.) It is also in this season when the Citizenship and Immigration Service USA (USCIS) tends to internally regulate the flow of immigrants, as well as their respective operations.

It is enough to reflect on the traditional calendar for Western countries to realize why January and February are ideal for the Procedure of the visa: these are months that precede the long Christmas vacation season, and USCIS, like any other government office, is just beginning to regularize the initial procedures of each year. Therefore, once you resume your daily work rhythm in March, it is more difficult to get a free shift on the various web portals.

In that sense, of course there are also terrible months to apply for the American visa and try to go to USA. Generally, the formalities (and the patience of consulars) are saturated between May, June, and July due to summer vacations in most school calendars. Possibly, with the exception of December (which is also not recommended), all other months have ‘neutral’ probabilities of approval in terms of visas. However, we would like to reiterate that if your permit will be processed for the first time, or if it corresponds to a long stay (beyond that allowed by the B1/B2 visa), do look for January and February as a priority option.

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