American visa: These are the questions they ask you about your family to process it

American visa: These are the questions they ask you about your family to process it

Written in TRENDS he

One of the moments that makes applicants most nervous American visa in its interview with the consul is when they are asked about their familybecause since it is such a personal issue, they do not know what to respond, especially if they have loved ones living in the United States. If you are about to do your interview and you know what to answer these questions, don’t worry, because here we share with you what the 8 are. questions most common questions about your family that the immigration officer asks you.

The consul asks you about your family during the interview for the American visa for several reasons. You should know that these questions help evaluate various aspects of your application and determine your eligibility for the document. Some of the reasons why the immigration officer ask about your family include: family ties (they are interested in how close you are to them) and family responsibilities (if you have dependent family members, such as children or elderly parents that you must care for).

They also ask you about your family to know if you have motivation to return to your country of origin after your visit to the United States. They are very interested in knowing the stability you have with your loved ones. For this reason it is part of the interview We suggest that you answer it honestly and clearly, without fear or nerves. The calmer you are, the better results you will have.

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The interview To get one American visawhether tourist, student, temporary worker or immigrant, usually includes questions About you family. These questions seek to determine your family situation, your ties in your country of origin, and your motivation to travel to the United States. Below, we tell you what the 8 most common questions are along with the possible answers you can give.

The 8 most common questions the consul asks you about your family during the visa interview

Prepare, review, practice and memorize the following questions, because it is very likely that the consul will want to know the following information about your family and the bond you have with her:

  • 1. How many people make up your family?

Answer: “In my family we are (number of people), including my parents, siblings and me.”

  • 2. What does your family do in your country?

Answer: “My family works in (profession or occupation), and I also work in (your profession or occupation) or study at (your educational institution).”

  • 3. Do you have family in the United States?

Answer: “Yes, I have family in the United States. My (family member) lives in (city/state) and works in (profession or occupation).”

Photo: Adobe
  • 4. Why do you want to go to the United States if your family is in your country?

Answer: “I want to visit the United States for (reason for travel, such as tourism, studies, work, etc.). Although my family is in my country, I am excited to experience the culture and learn about (topic related to your trip) ”

  • 5.How do you communicate with your family while you are in the United States?

Answer: “I maintain regular contact with my family through phone calls, video calls and text messages. We also share photos and updates on social media.”

  • 6. Do you have children? How old are they?

Answer: “Yes, I have (number of children) children. Their ages are (ages of children). I will be in constant contact with my family while I am in the United States.”

  • 7. How do you plan to stay in touch with your family while you are in the United States?

Answer: “I plan to stay in touch with my family through phone calls, video calls and online messages. I also have an international data plan to always stay connected.”

Photo: Adobe
  • 8. What does your family mean to you?

This question seeks to understand the importance of your family in your life and can help the consul evaluate your motivation to return to your country of origin after your trip to the United States.

It is important to answer these questions honestly and clearly, demonstrating that you have a stable family situation and that your intention is to return to your country of origin at the end of your trip to the United States and not, settle in the American Union. Review these 8 questions and we assure you that you will do incredible in your application process. American visa. Don’t be afraid to talk about yourself family in you interview with the consul.

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