Chantal Andere confirms the birth of Fernando Colunga and Blanca Soto’s son – El Diario NY

Chantal Andere confirms the birth of Fernando Colunga and Blanca Soto’s son – El Diario NY

The Mexican actress Chantal Andere would have confirmed one of the most popular rumors in recent days: the birth of the actors’ first child Fernando Colunga and Blanca Soto.

In the most recent public appearance, during the premiere of the play “Cabaret” in a theater in Mexico City, the performer was questioned regarding the diversity of news about the paternity of Fernando Colunga. It should be noted that both artists shared credits in the recently completed “The Hex”.

According to videos that circulate on various social networks, Andere the question is asked: “You already congratulated Fernando Colunga for his paternity.” Given this, the actress tries not to respond directly and she only mentions: “Now, for her birthday.”

Chantal Andere posing.
Chantal Andere worked alongside Fernando Colunga in “El Maleficio”.
Credit: Mezcalo

Subsequently, and after opening the conversation regarding this topic, the interpreter is questioned again: “And how do you see that he has already become a dad?”, which motivates the Mexican to say: “Well, what a father, right?

Is Fernando Colunga already a father?

After trying to “think around” the questions, Chantal Andere Finally, he revealed that he sent a congratulatory message to Colunga regarding the birth of his baby in addition to warning the actor about this new stage in his life: “now he will know what is good.”

It should be noted that, according to the same AndereUntil now Fernando Colunga He has not responded to the message in question, in addition to mentioning that the actor did not comment anything to him during the time they worked together.

He never said anything to me, the sources that are saying it are very accurate. I sent him a message, and when he answers me I’ll tell you (what he gave me)”

Chantal Andere

Fernando Colunga posing.
Fernando Colunga will be part of the new soap opera “El Conde”.
Credit: Mezcalo

Finally, the Mexican actress revealed that she has not sent a gift or present to the supposed son of Fernando Colunga and Blanca Soto until the same actor answered his congratulations affirmatively: “First answer me and then I’ll see if I can buy you a romper.”

In recent days, a large number of sources close to the circle of Fernando Colunga and Blanca Soto revealed that both stars welcomed their first child in a hospital in the city of Miami, Florida. Likewise, and although the news was released in recent days, it was announced that the little one had been born on March 1.

Fernando Colunga posing.

Regarding the moment of delivery, it was also mentioned that the actor would have been at the entire moment of delivery to the point of recording the process as well as being the one who cut the newborn’s umbilical cord.

Until now, and after the news about the birth of the baby Colunga and Sotonone of the celebrities have mentioned or said anything about it.

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