Forget about the smell of fish in the fridge: there are two HOMEMADE ingredients that will save you

Forget about the smell of fish in the fridge: there are two HOMEMADE ingredients that will save you

Written in TRENDS he

Cooking fish at Easter is essential for many regions. But, of course, once the process is over, it is not unusual for there to be bad smells in the kitchen. In fact, depending on the type of food you prepare, the smell can particularly permeate the fridge no matter how much you wash it with soap and water. For this reason, today we bring you two options home remedies To remove that annoying stench once and for all:

White vinegar will help you eliminate the fishy smell in the refrigerator.

White vinegar not only serves to complement some Lenten dishes and enhance the flavor of a wide variety of fish; It is also a great ally to eliminate bad smells of those shellfish that ‘refuse’ to leave your fridge. In this first option to get your refrigerator back to normal, you just have to follow a series of simple steps that involve this magical ingredient. There will be no major complications:

  • The first step is, if anything, the most tedious: you must turn off the fridge and take out all the food.
  • Then, wash each surface with soap and water, just as you normally do.
  • Afterwards, dry with a napkin or clean cloth.
  • In a container, mix half a cup of white vinegar with half a cup of water.
  • Apply the resulting mixture to each surface and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Finish the cleaning by blotting the vinegar mixture with a damp cloth. Thus, in later hours, you will notice that the fishy smell has disappeared.

With baking soda, there is no room for bad odors in the refrigerator

Baking soda is a foolproof resource in thousands of home remediesand of course, to clean the refrigerator, it could not be missing with its fantastic odor-removing properties and all its neatness. And its composition is perfect for, in addition, remove stainsgrease and all kinds of dirt. Broadly speaking, it is capable of neutralizing the bad smells of fish throughout your refrigerator, through simple steps, you will basically be able to leave your refrigerator like new:

  • As with the first cleaning option, turn off the fridge and take out all the food.
  • Wash each surface again as you normally would, using soap and water.
  • When you have removed the main residue, dry with a clean cloth.
  • Then, mix baking soda in a quarter cup of water. Don’t look for a liquid consistency, rather look for a pasty one.
  • Afterwards, apply the mixture all over the fridgeand also let it rest for 15 minutes.
  • Remove the mixture with warm water and dry very well when you are finished. There will not be a single particle of Bad smell in your refrigerator after following these steps.
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