How are the votes going today, April 27, in ‘La Casa de los Famosos 4’?  – The NY Journal

How are the votes going today, April 27, in ‘La Casa de los Famosos 4’? – The NY Journal

The votes for ‘The House of Famous People 4’ They continue and the public’s preference is quite marked among the nominees of the Telemundo reality show.

On this occasion, the nominees are Maripily Rivera, Lupillo Rivera, Patricia Corcino, Cristina Porta, Paulo Quevedo, Geraldine Bazán and Aleska Génesis.

This Sunday, Alana Lliteras will choose the bran of the week after winning the challenge against Rodrigo Romeh, leader of the reality show on this occasion.

In the midst of this, the public has voted and, according to the previews that have been seen in the Telegram group UniversoReality, Maripily Rivera would sweep the votes, since estimates indicate that she has a 76% preference to stay one more week in the reality show.

Voting today in 'La Casa de los Famosos 4'.
Voting today in ‘La Casa de los Famosos 4’.

Then comes another strong competitor and it is Lupillo Rivera, who until this Saturday had 26% in the count.

The difference between these first two inhabitants and the rest is abysmal, since in third place is Aleska Génesis with 7%. She is followed by Cristina Porta, with 6% and Geraldine Bazán with the same percentage.

Who will be eliminated from ‘La Casa de los Famosos 4’?

The last two places are occupied by Paulo Quevedo and Patricia Corcino, who have less time in the game, but have helped strengthen the fourth Fuego.

These preliminary votes give an overview of what could happen next Monday. However, it is not definitive, since Alana’s decision this Sunday will influence and in addition, in these surveys users from different countries vote, but those who really have the power to choose are the viewers who live in the United States.

The latest eliminations have been quite shocking, as strong competitors have been left out. Such was the case of the Colombian model Ariadna Gutiérrez, who after making complaints within the reality show had to take her bags and put an end to the dream of winning.

There was also the elimination of Clovis Nienow on Monday of this week, who with his occurrences managed to conquer the public, but it was not enough in recent days, so he had to leave the famous mansion located in Mexico.

Keep reading:
· How are the votes going for La Casa de los Famosos 4, today, April 25?
· Total discontent over The House of Famous 4: Celebrities reject the elimination of Clovis Nienow
· Who are the nominees for today, April 25, in ‘La Casa de los Famosos 4’?

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