How to get your Green Card approved without a lawyer or interview?

How to get your Green Card approved without a lawyer or interview?


Written in TRENDS he

Get the permanent residence or also popularly known as the Green Card, It is one of the processes that is a goal of thousands of foreigners of Latin origin who go in search of the much mentioned ‘American dream’, because it is one of the opportunities that no one wants to miss, but even if you don’t believe it, the Procedure It is not as complex as everyone imagines, so in some cases it is not entirely necessary to hire a lawyer, and here we tell you how to do it, well even interview you can get free

Let us remember that this identification is one of the most requested and that it offers great opportunities to those who find permanent residence in the USA, Well, it is a kind of permission that allows the person who has it live and work permanently in this countryWell, one of the steps is the much feared interview with the immigration authorities about the status of your application.

And this step is one of the most feared since it questions the applicant about where else he has lived in the last five years, when he lived at each address and the reasons why he has settled in the american union, Well, the first thing they do is identify the status of their situation, and many people resort to hiring a lawyerbut it is not necessary in all cases and here we tell you how you can do it.

Green Card without interview or lawyer?

It is important to mention that this curiosity began when a woman of Peruvian origin His video went viral in which he boasted to his mother that after living so many years in USA he was finally able to have his permanent residence, so thousands of users immediately began asking him to share your experience, and according to your narrativeI don’t even need lawyer and he even escaped the much-feared interview.

According to their experience, There are a large number of cases in which the status is completely legal and transparent, so in the present Those people who have all their documentation in order and have already lived in this nation for a long time, can apply for the permanent residence almost immediately, since you will only register the biometric data.

And the woman also surprised her thousands of followers by ensuring that she started the whole Procedure in May of last year 2023 and until now they finally have their Green Card and that of her mother, but be careful, because she assured that although she did not resort to any lawyer to do the entire process if he made several mistakes that could have undoubtedly told him the entire request, but fortunately he was able to finish it satisfactorily.


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