Olivia Munn reveals that she underwent a double mastectomy after breast cancer diagnosis – El Diario NY

Olivia Munn reveals that she underwent a double mastectomy after breast cancer diagnosis – El Diario NY


The actress Olivia Munn shared this Wednesday on social networks that she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2023, for which she had to undergo four surgeries in recent months, including one double mastectomy.

Through an extensive message on her Instagram account, in which she included several photographs from the hospital and videos from the stretcher, the star of “The Gateway” said that after undergoing a BRCA genetic test, which at the time turned out to be negative, she was diagnosed by her obstetrician-gynecologist with a 37 percent risk of having breast cancer, so he suggested an MRI and a biopsy.

Two months later I was diagnosed with breast cancer.“said the actress.

In the message, Munn assured that his diagnosis was recorded in time, so he had options to treat it.

“We detected it with enough time for him to have options. “I want the same for any woman who has to face this one day.”

“In the last ten months, I’ve had four surgeries, spent so many days in bed I can’t even count them, and I’ve learned more about cancer, its treatment, and hormones than I ever imagined. Surprisingly, I have only cried twice. I guess I didn’t feel like there was time to cry,” she recalled.

Olivia Munn opened up about her feelings regarding her health issues, adding that she decided to keep it private because she “needed to catch her breath” and get over the battle.

The actor and partner of the actress, John Mulaneyappeared among Munn’s thanks, after having stayed by her side to support her during medical treatments.

“I am very grateful to John, who spent nights researching what the operation and medication meant and what side effects and recovery to expect.”

“For being there before I went to every surgery and being there when I woke up, always putting up framed photos of our little Malcolm so that he would be the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes,” Munn wrote.

The actress hopes that her story “helps others find comfort, inspiration and support on their own journey,” according to the description of the post.

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