Paca clothes for lomitos and michis go viral on TikTok

Paca clothes for lomitos and michis go viral on TikTok

Fashion is not only for humans and the merchants of the cities know that. famous balesand on social networks they have shared a new trend: pet bales.

The famous “paca clothing” has become very popular in Mexico, it is second-hand clothing that usually comes from the liquidation market in the United Stateswhich arrives in Mexico as large compressed packages, for sale at very affordable prices.

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Being a popular purchasing option in the Mexico Cityhas gone viral in TikTok something that may possibly interest you, paca clothes for dogs and cats.

The user of TikTok, nancyreyes84757, shared multiple videos of the paca clothes for pets, the Christmas clothes being the one that stole all eyes, because in December times who doesn’t want to buy an ugly sweater for their little one.

Nancy shared that there are all kinds of pet clothing in the bales, from jackets, sweaters, sweaters, dresses, among many other things.

It is worth mentioning that in said videos it is commented that the prices they range from 80 pesosdepending on the model and quality of the product.

Finally, said bale It is located in the Santa Martha Acatitla flea market.also know as El Salado, very close to Metro Acatitla.

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