How do you leave her!  Thief scolds young man for running away and leaving his girlfriend alone in a robbery

How do you leave her! Thief scolds young man for running away and leaving his girlfriend alone in a robbery

It turns out that the thieves in Mexico they also have a good morals And till they scold to passers-by who assault.

Such was the case of a thiefwho together with his accomplice, assaulted a couple of young people who were walking calmly through the streets of Iztapalapa.

In a video captured by security cameras you can see the young people holding hands, while a subject in the foreground dressed in black and riding a motorcycle seems to be waiting for them to approach.

When the young people are already close, another assailant with a white cap and a gray sweater appears and immediately tackles them. After realizing it, the boyfriend runs away and leaves the girl alone.

Then the thief hugs her and yells at the young man Hey we, how can you leave her! Meanwhile, the thieves take her things and then get on the motorcycle and the girl flees the scene.

Iztapalapa is in seventh place 16 mayoralties in terms of high-impact crimes. Figures from the Mexican government indicate that the most dangerous colonies are Juan Escutia, Urban Development Quetzalcóatl and Santa Cruz Meyehualco.

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Furthermore, 14 percent of the crimes that occur in the Mexico City are carried out in the Iztapalapa, Cuauhtémoc and Gustavo A. Madero delegationsThe most common crimes are kidnapping, armed robbery and extortion.

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