This is the Canadian program that offers permanent residence in the country

This is the Canadian program that offers permanent residence in the country

Written in TRENDS he

Canada It is a country that is reforming its immigration policy, offering the possibility that more and more foreign citizens can travel to the country to establish themselves temporarily or permanently. This destination is beginning to be coveted by some people who want to migrate in search of new opportunities and the good standard of living that the country offers. Although it is not entirely easy to settle in that destination, there are government programs that provide opportunities.

That is the case of program Start Up Visa, this program promoted by the government of Canada is focused on investors who want an economically stable destination to develop their businesses, this program is the bridge that connects foreign citizens with investors and specialized incubators to facilitate the development and seek the growth of a business in Canada.

As part of the benefits that this program offers, beneficiaries are granted the opportunity to receive the status of permanent resident For both the beneficiary and the people who financially depend on him or her, the focus of this program is to benefit entrepreneurs and also generate employment for the Canadian population. In addition to offering the possibility of being a permanent resident, the entrepreneur’s children under 22 years of age may benefit from being part of the educational system of Canada.

These are the requirements to apply for this Start Up Visa program

To request your entry to this program You must have the support of a Canadian investor or sponsor or an entrepreneurship project incubator. You must also present a business plan that is viable, that can compete internationally and that the project has the possibility of generating jobs for Canadian citizens. and be innovative.

The application to join the program must be totally legal and comply with the immigration regulations of Canada, It is an essential requirement to demonstrate a level of command of a language, whether English or French, and to have documents that prove this level of knowledge. You must also verify that you have the necessary funds to cover your stay and that of your loved ones during the time. that you are in Canada.

It is recommended, but not necessary, to have started high school; the applicant is required to have a clean history of crimes, including violations of immigration law. Another requirement requested is that the interested party have experience in the management and development of a business. Those involved must authorize medical and safety examinations to be carried out before entering. Canadathe greatest requirement requested is to be committed to residing in the country to develop your company.

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