Victims of sexual abuser Larry Nassar, former Olympic doctor, will receive millionaire compensation – La Opinion

Victims of sexual abuser Larry Nassar, former Olympic doctor, will receive millionaire compensation – La Opinion

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The story of Larry Nassar and all the abuses he committed against many girls and young women, most of them gymnasts recognized around the world among whom was found at the time the several times world and Olympic champion, Simone Biles, left the world of sports stunned and shocked, especially in the United States and the news became viral immediately.

The then medical coordinator of the women’s Olympic gymnastics team for 20 years who Over the years, he became a serial sexual predator who attacked more than 300 athletes. He was finally captured and sentenced to die in prison after being convicted in a trial that included pleas from a total of 156 victims.

Compensation for victims

In recent days it became official that 100 victims abused by Nassar will be compensated by the United States Department of Justice and according to information from the Wall Street Journal, said measure was taken by the government agency after reaching the conclusion that the FBI did not take seriously at all, the reports that The entity was made aware at the time about the possible abuse of athletes by Dr. Nassar.

The Wall Street Journal also indicated that the Federal Bureau of Investigation agreement could be finalized in the fall of last year (2023) and was initially accepted by women and girls who had formally filed claims for administrative damages against the agency in 2022. Despite the information, the process has not yet been completed to its end, according to people close to it.

It is then that with this million-dollar agreement by which each of the victims would receive the sum of a total of $100 million dollars, will resolve the most recent legal claims that were missing against the different institutions that failed in their responses against the complaints against Nassar and therefore must pay a total estimated price of approximately one billion dollars.

When did all this start?

The American media accessed details of the report that indicate that FBI agents in the city of Indiana, were not completely sure if the complaints against Dr. Nassar represented a possible federal crime and that is why, in that sense, they were not informed correctly about the meetings of the officials with the authorities of USA Gymnastics, an entity in charge of ensuring the care of athletes who suffered abuse. It took more than a year for members of the American Gymnastics Federation to have an approach with the FBI and during that time the doctor continued treating the athletes.

Among the plaintiffs are also renowned figures in artistic gymnastics in the United States: McKayla Maroney, Magie Nichols and Aly Raisman. Everything became known at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games thanks to the pertinent investigation of the Indianapolis Star newspaper through the testimony of a woman. Rachel Denhollander was the first to speak out about Nassar’s abuse and this statement was what began the investigation and motivated the rest of the abused athletes to speak out.

Quite strong and delicate testimonies

For the year 2021, both Simone Biles, Raisman, Nichols and Maroney decided to speak in front of the Senate and they also pointed out against the poor investigation that the FBI had carried out: “It was like serving a pedophile innocent children on a silver platter,” was one of the most impactful phrases of all the testimonies that day.

“I sit before you today to raise my voice so that no girl has to endure what I“We, the athletes at this table and the countless people, suffer unnecessarily under the guise of Nassar’s medical treatment,” said Simone, a few weeks after participating in the Tokyo Olympics where she suffered problems with her mental health.

“To be clear, I blame Larry Nassar but also the entire system that allowed and perpetrated the abuse. USA Gymnastics, the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee knew that I was being abused by their team doctor. After telling my full story of abuse to the FBI in the summer of 2015, the FBI not only failed to report my abuse, but when they finally documented my report 17 months later, they made completely false claims about what I said.”

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