What to do if your American VISA is canceled when you are about to enter the United States?

What to do if your American VISA is canceled when you are about to enter the United States?

Written in TRENDS he

The process of American visa It is quite a challenge for applicants, especially because the process to obtain the precious document can be very long, you have to comply with a series of requirements, documents and a stressful interview to obtain it and although many applicants fall by the wayside, there is a large number of people who manage to achieve their goal no matter what.

Once you meet the documents and requirements requested by the immigration authorities of USA It is time to try to get an appointment as close as possible to the date of your application, which can mean waiting up to a year. You get the appointment and prepare to face the questions that the immigration officer will ask to find out if your procedure will be approved or not.

In the best case scenario, if you are granted authorization to obtain the document, you will now have to wait at least 3 more weeks to have it in your hands. Have you visaHowever, there is still an additional filter that you will face when arriving in the country where other customs officers will be in charge of deciding whether you have access to the country or not. Although it may sound pessimistic, having obtained the visa does not assure you that you will be able to freely and legally enter USA.

What can I do if my visa is canceled when I am about to enter the country?

The interview that the customs officer will carry out has the purpose of ensuring that the visitor will comply with the travel objective for which he requested the visa and has no intention of staying and living in USA. They will also make sure to check that you have an amount of cash, all with the intention of ensuring that the stay will only be temporary.

If your answers do not convince the officer because they are not coherent or he discovers that your visa contains some type of violation of immigration laws, he may ask you to go through a second filter or cancel your visa. visa. To the cancel it the officer may cut it, break it or write some legend that invalidates it, in any case your accreditation will no longer be valid, this incident could be recorded in your history when you need to complete the new account procedure unless the officer writes Canceled without prejudice, With this ad you will have no problem making a new request.

In case you visa stay cancelled You must respect the officer’s decision. If you consider that this act did not have valid reasons, you can call the Mexican consulate for help. Once your visa is cancelledif you want to process it again you must ask for a forgiveness of visaonly a consular officer will be able to grant you the document again if he considers it pertinent.

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