Why in Mexico are there so many SURNAMES that end with EZ and what is their meaning?

Why in Mexico are there so many SURNAMES that end with EZ and what is their meaning?

Written in TRENDS he

As in Spain, in Mexico It is extremely common to find surnames that end with the set of letters ez, today we will share with you the reason why so many surnames have this ending in common and its meaning. To better understand the topic we must go back to the Middle Ages, which was the origin historical of the surnames that emerged to differentiate the members of the different clans or families that existed at that time.

And, although many years have passed since origin of the surnames Some of them are preserved to this day because they have fulfilled their function of passing from generation to generation beyond time. The use of differentiation surnames It was so useful and so popular that it spread throughout Europe, in fact, the surnames as we know them today emerged in Spain and even referred to the place from which the family that used them came from.

For this reason it is very common that the surnames that end in ez go back to the origins of the history of surnamesIn fact, it is believed that some of these surnames such as Rodríguez, González, Álvarez, etc. They have been preserved over time because with the conquest of Spain in other territories, especially in American countries, the surnames managed to spread in terms of the number of people who carried them as part of their names.

What does it mean if your last name ends with ez?

Like some surnames that give reference, for example, to the place of origin of the family that owns them, such as; Toledo, Madrid, etc. The surnames that end in ez They refer to the patriarch of the family who was the founder of that clan, if the father of the family was called Rodrigo then the surname Rodríguez refers to “son of”, in this case, “son of Rodrigo”, the same case is can adapt González or Márquez.

Although currently in Spain the surname with the greatest number of users is García, which according to historians was generated in the kingdom of Navarra, in Mexico The most popular surname is Hernández, which is a patronymic that shows that the person who bears it as part of his name is “son of Hernán”. In other Latin American countries that were also conquered by the Spanish, it is very common to find this type of surname. patronymic surnames or surnames that refer to being “children of”.

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