This is the ideal insecticide to eliminate pests from your plants with 1 organic ingredient

This is the ideal insecticide to eliminate pests from your plants with 1 organic ingredient

Written in TRENDS he

Spring is about to arrive and it is common for undesirable visitors to appear in our gardens with the increase in temperature. If you are worried about protecting the health and integrity of your plants, today we share with you an effective insecticide which is also organic and natural that will help you control the pests Instantly and without spending more, get to work and prepare this powerful insecticide.

There are several factors that cause some pests spread through our garden, in addition to the climate, the trees bloom and use the nutrients from the earth to be rosy and ready for spring, however, some of these changes such as the production of flowers or the birth of new shoots generate Make plants the perfect target for different types of pests to feed on.

And if we do not put an end to the presence of the pests The entire garden is likely to be invaded and the trees will not have enough nutrients to stay healthy or to produce flowers and fruits in the case of fruit trees. If all these conditions worry you, dare to try this formula with 1 organic ingredient that will keep all pests away from your crops.

This is how you can prepare this organic insecticide

The ingredients you need are: 5 avocado pits, two liters of water, a container with a lid, ½ cup of vinegar. Take the avocado seed and remove the brown layer that covers it. It is preferable that you let the seeds dry in the sun for a few days. If you prefer, you can use them fresh, they are also effective. Grate the seeds with the help of a vegetable grater and set aside. The 5 avocado pits will perform perfectly for the concentrate that we are going to prepare.

Place the avocado seed zest in the container and add the measure of vinegar, we will allow the mixture to rest for half an hour. Now we will add the two liters of water and cover the container, we will let it rest for at least 24 hours. Once the time has passed, the insecticide will turn orange. Before using it, we will strain it to be able to pour the mixture into a sprinkler and make it easier to apply.

This powerful insecticide will help you eliminate various pests such as red spider, fungi, slugs, snails and whiteflies, you must apply it at night for 7 days in a row to check its results. You will safely and totally organically eliminate the pests which can drastically damage your garden. Prepare this insecticide and see its benefits for yourself.

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