Azur Lane’s “waifu” Tosa debuts beautiful figure in a swimsuit

Azur Lane’s “waifu” Tosa debuts beautiful figure in a swimsuit

Thanks to the large number of characters available in its squad, Azur Lane It can constantly bring new content to all its players, not only within the same title, but a lot of official merchandise is launched to satisfy them, where figures are the main product available. And thanks to the great quality that many of these have, we can see the beauty of these girls recreated in the most faithful way possible, such as this new collection piece that has as its protagonist Coughrepresented in this excellent figure, which in turn dresses her in a nice swimsuit.

Tosa presents an incredible new Azur Lane figure

Azur Lane's “Waifu” Tosa Releases Beautiful Figure in SwimsuitAzur Lane's “Waifu” Tosa Releases Beautiful Figure in Swimsuit
Azur Lane's “Waifu” Tosa Releases Beautiful Figure in SwimsuitAzur Lane's “Waifu” Tosa Releases Beautiful Figure in Swimsuit
Azur Lane's “Waifu” Tosa Releases Beautiful Figure in SwimsuitAzur Lane's “Waifu” Tosa Releases Beautiful Figure in Swimsuit

This new figure arrived to the surprise of fans of the gacha-style video game Azur Laneand having as the protagonist a “waifu” as cute as she is Cough, is an aspect that will attract the attention of all players, and we also see her recreated wearing a cute swimsuit. And this figure also has different aspects that make it stand out from the rest, such as the great work in the modeling, as well as the materials used, which are of the highest quality.

As can be seen in the different images that accompany the product, and those who are more familiar with CoughYou will notice how this figure does not recreate it in its base version, but in this case we are looking at the skin called “Hometown Zest”, which follows the summer theme. Thanks to this clothing we see the character of Azur Lane using a two-piece swimsuit where the black and white colors can be seen in different parts of each of the garments, in addition to a strap that the girl has on one of her thighs, to the delight of her fans.

But it is the great quality of the object that surprises and makes it stand out among other products of this “waifu”, such as the accessories that make up the clothing, because in addition to the previously mentioned garments, we see that Cough He has glasses on the top of his head and a blue kitsune mask. Furthermore, something that stands out about the collector’s item is one of the girl’s most important physical features, not only her “attributes”, which are voluptuous enough, but the fox tails that she possesses, giving the fans more than one reason to purchase this product.

Azur Lane's “Waifu” Tosa Releases Beautiful Figure in SwimsuitAzur Lane's “Waifu” Tosa Releases Beautiful Figure in Swimsuit
Azur Lane's “Waifu” Tosa Releases Beautiful Figure in SwimsuitAzur Lane's “Waifu” Tosa Releases Beautiful Figure in Swimsuit

This new figure whose protagonist is the beautiful “waifu” Cough belonging to the video game Azur Lane It is a creation of the company Daiki Kougyowhich can be purchased on different pages that are dedicated to the sale of these products, such as This store, for a price of $239.99 dollars. The figure is made on a 1/7 scale and the estimated release date is agreed for the month of September 2024.

Azur Lane It is one of the most popular gacha-style video games on the market, and is also one of the longest-lived, since it was officially launched in 2017, and throughout this time it has delivered a large amount of content. to his players. In this title the player will become the “Commander” of a group of naval ships and submarines, with which he will fight against enemies in varied maritime scenarios, and the main attraction of the game is how these vehicles are represented in beautiful and various “waifus”. Azur Lane is available for free download on iOS and Android mobile devices.

Azur LaneAzur Lane

© Manjuu Co.,Ltd., Yongshi Co.,Ltd.&Yostar, Inc./アニメ「アズールレーン」製作委員会

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