Home Remedies: Forget the cloth and stains on the skin using 3 ingredients

Home Remedies: Forget the cloth and stains on the skin using 3 ingredients

Written in TRENDS he

The spots on the skin They have a multifactorial origin: due to prolonged exposure to the sun, due to scarring, due to hormonal processes, due to agingetc. However, depending on the size of the cloth and the color it shows, it can go unnoticed or cause insecurities. Although it will always be important to have a medical opinion regarding any type of stain that appears on our body, once it is confirmed that it does not represent a danger, it is possible to think about some Home remedy so that it disappears.

Of course, on an aesthetic level, it is also possible to seek dermatological help to disguise or remove the spots on the skin. However, this can be too expensive for the average pocket, and for this reason, today we share with you a home remedy with only three ingredients with which you can gradually reduce the pigmentation of the cloth or the faint colored moles. Next, we tell you how to proceed to achieve perfect skin:

The 3-ingredient home remedy to remove skin spots

Now, we will show you the preparation of a simple homemade cream based on oats and lemon, which will not only help you reduce the spots on the skin but it will also provide you with some anti-aging. And oats, in addition to being an excellent moisturizer, have cleansing properties, being able to absorb impurities on the skin. Meanwhile, lemon, like a good citrus fruit, contains vitamins and acids necessary to contribute to natural whitening. To prepare the remedy, follow the following steps:

  • Mix three tablespoons of rolled oats (previously ground) with a quarter of a liter of water.
  • To the above, add the juice of two lemons.
  • Then, stir all the ingredients vigorously until you get a uniform paste. In this step, try to reduce the lumps as much as possible.
  • Later, with the help of a strainer, pour the mixture into a glass jar that you can seal.
  • Finally, let the mixture rest for an hour.

After that time, apply the Home remedy on your face and let it take effect on your skin for a period of 15 to 30 minutes. Then, rinse your face with warm water until all remnants are removed. You can store unused cream in your refrigerator; Just let it cool for about 15 minutes before applying it each day. If you are consistent with this routine, you will notice the first results after seven days.

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