Ninel Conde tries her hand with Botox and assures that she looks DISFIGURED |  PHOTOS

Ninel Conde tries her hand with Botox and assures that she looks DISFIGURED | PHOTOS



Considered one of the most attractive women on Mexican television, Ninel Conde He doesn’t miss the opportunity to show off his imposing figure and sensual beauty through the social networksbut his most recent images not only have they been harshly criticized But many have also claimed that his face has been disfigured, since it is said that he could already be abusing the botox and the aesthetic arrangements and these are the Photographs that have gone around the world.

We remember that the last few years have been some of the most scandalous for the killer hottiewho has decided to settle completely in the USA, But to this is added the supposed death of her husband, Larry Ramos and even the legal dispute he has with the father of his son, Giovanni Medina, since the minor no longer has any contact with the singer of Mexican origin, something for which he has been singled out on multiple occasions.

But through his social networks he continues to share different aspects of his life, and proof of this is the most recent accident that he suffered while he was in Miami Florida, Well, accompanied by her pet, as well as her new husband José Ángel González, and the famous woman suffered an accident, which was recorded and gave a lot to talk about in social networks.

Despite confirming that he was fine, the actress and singer 47 years old is now criticized for his face, since despite wearing a heart attack figurethere are those who claim that their appearance is already different, in addition to the fact that some Internet users confirm that looks truly disfigured, Well apparently in his recent aesthetic fix he has gone too far with it botox.

The photos of Ninel Conde that everyone is talking about

It is important to mention that the also model born in Torreón, shared through her Instagram account with his almost six million followers on instagram a series of images where your devastating figure is the one that gets everyone’s attention, but there are those who noticed something very strange in the face and it is that their lips they look much more swollen than usual.

Although until now Ninel Conde has not given any statement based on the images where it is evident that another aesthetic fix on the face, the critics on the part of the cyber community They have not been long in coming, and below we present the images and what are some of the comments that have been made by his haters:

“It looks horrible”; “This woman was very beautiful, but the problem is that she does not accept her age”; “She waves with her lips, she looks horrible and doesn’t even look like Ninel Conde”; “Ninel Conde already has an addiction to cosmetic surgeries”; “That idea they have of showing off a big mouth, it looks horrible,” have been some of the opinions of Internet users through social networks.


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