What happens when I get the Green Card and what are the BENEFITS?

What happens when I get the Green Card and what are the BENEFITS?


Written in TRENDS he

It is no secret to anyone that going out in search of new opportunities and better quality of life is an everyday task and that is why many people achieve this dream in the USA, so many bet on him Procedure of the permanent residence or popularly known as Green Card, and that is why today we are going to present to you what are the great benefits that you are going to access with this document.

It is important to mention that this identification is one of the most important to which many foreign They resort as a spirit of belonging, because in addition, this will help you take another step towards those who also seek the long-awaited American citizenship, This also gives them the opportunity to be considered as a natural born of this country, and without a doubt it is a somewhat long process.

What is a fact is that to be considered this document of the Green Card, First you have to comply with a series of requirements that without a doubt are indisputable, and below we are going to present some of them to you:

  • Live at least five years in USA.
  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • No criminal record.
  • Have a sponsor or be requested for the Green Card.

What are my rights when I have a Green Card?

Although there is much talk about having the Green Card either permanent residence It is one of the best benefits that people who have already decided to start a new life in the USA, have not been specified with certainty what is the good thing about having it and what are the rights that you start to have once you get it, and below we are going to present them to you so that you take them into account.

Be careful, it is important to mention that the list of great benefits that you are going to begin to have from the moment you are given your permanent residence are stipulated in the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), since for many, it is known as a document so powerful and a key step for those who later seek to become American citizens and here we tell you what it is:

  • Live indefinitely in USA
  • Work safely
  • Acquire certain properties
  • Enroll in public schools
  • Apply for a state and federal driver’s license.
  • Enlist in some divisions of the Army and even the Navy USA.
  • Be a beneficiary of Social Security, Supplemental Security Income and Medicare, as long as you meet the requirements.
  • Being able to travel without any inconvenience outside and within the nation.


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