How difficult is it to pass the United States citizenship test?

How difficult is it to pass the United States citizenship test?

Written in TRENDS he

One of the most important processes for migrants that live in USA is to obtain the American citizenship and in this way have great benefits such as being able to live and work legally, as well as being able to vote, in addition to other rights and also having obligations, which is obtained through naturalization with which you must meet a series of requirements so that they grant it to you.

One of the essential things is that you must have your Green Card and you must have it with you for at least 5 years, in addition to passing two exams, one is on the history and civics of the United States, while in the other you must prove that you have a good level of English.

It is for this reason that right now we will talk more about the exam so that when the time comes for you to have to take it, you will know more about this process to become a US citizen and mainly, we will tell you about the one you must pass in terms of the language.


It is important to note that this exam evaluates your knowledge from the writing, reading and oral part, so according to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), 90% of those who take this exam manage to pass it.

What do they ask you on the English test to obtain US citizenship?

During the exam, you are asked a series of questions that can range from your personal information or even for you to perform tests with some sentences such as reading and writing and this will serve to demonstrate your Oral capacity, mainly when you read a sentence aloud correctly.

While in writing matters they will have you write three sentences that the official will dictate to you, so you must write it exactly as they are telling you, so you must not have spelling or punctuation errors, and you must not have abbreviations.


It is important to remember that this exam is designed especially for people who are not native speakers, That is, your first language is not English, so the exam questions could be simpler, but important to be able to grant you American citizenship based on your knowledge of both the history of the United States and the language.


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